Honors Thesis or Project

The UHP provides an opportunity not readily available to most undergraduates at CSULB: to work one-on-one with a faculty advisor in their academic discipline to develop and execute a culminating research project in their field of study.

To help you get started in understanding the Thesis and Creative Project, go to the UHP Canvas page for more information. There you will find resources, tools and videos to explain and explore the thesis/creative project from start to finish!  

Getting Started

Service learning, study abroad, an internship, an artistic performance or installation, a laboratory research project, an investigative essay into a social issue, or a humanities-based inquiry – any of these experiences can serve as the basis for an outstanding scholarly Honors Thesis.

Over the course of three semesters, first in UHP 496A (1 unit) “Research Participation”, then 496B (2 units) "Research Participation", and finally in UHP 498 (3 units) “Senior Thesis/Project,” students receive a total of six academic units to develop a research/project agenda and write an Honors Thesis/Creative Project under the guidance of their faculty mentor.

While UHP theses will vary according to the type of project pursued, all successful scholarly projects require that students conduct in-depth research into their thesis topic; synthesize ideas, information, and arguments from various sources; and analyze data, previous practices/approaches, arguments, and viewpoints in order to situate their ideas within larger disciplinary conversations.

Note: Students whose majors already require an undergraduate thesis project should meet with the UHP Director to discuss ways in which the project pursued in the major could be used to complete the Honors Thesis requirement.

Learn from other Students

Each semester all Honors students are invited to attend Thesis Panel Presentations to learn more about the kinds of dynamic research and exciting projects current thesis students are completing. Visit our for the presentation schedule.