Honors Requirements

To Complete the University Honors Program and receive a certificate and medallion, all Honors students must complete the following requirements.

  • Complete Honors Track
    • Honors students should take at least one Honors course per semester to complete their Honors Track. Each track is assigned based on either units or major. See your assigned track in your Academic Records Report (ARR)


  • Maintain a Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher


  • Honors Senior Project and Symposium Presentation
    • Honors students will complete a culminating research or creative project in their Junior or Senior year.  Honors students are allowed to explore a range of topics within their major or other fields.  Students will work closely with a Faculty Advisor to guide their projects.  Upon approval from the Faculty Advisors, Honors students will present their projects at the Honors Symposium at the end of the academic semester. For examples of previous Honors research, please view the . 


  • Honors Badges and E-Portfolio (requirement is only for maintaining priority registration access)
    • The E-Portfolio is a live record of your accomplishments that you can use to seek internships, employment, or other types of opportunities. Complete the E-Portfolio by earning badges that symbolize your achievements, participation and skills demonstrated.

See University Honors Program Canvas Page for E-Portfolio submission and requirements to earn a Badge.

Resource Navigation

Description: The ability to navigate 澳门六合彩开奖结果查询 State University, Long Beach including identifying and locating available resources for varying needs.

Research & Entrepreneurial Exploration

Description: Demonstrated exploration of the research or entrepreneurial process.

Creative Work

Description: Completion of creative work and or demonstration of skills needed for a craft learned in a higher education setting.

Community Involvement

Description: Providing community service that provides positive benefits for fellow students, the university, or the Long Beach community.

Global Citizen

Description: Participation in study abroad or a global focused enriching experience.

Health & Wellness

Description: Learning about and/or practicing healthy habits that contribute to the holistic wellbeing of an individual.


Description: Demonstration of leadership and associated leadership skills including communication, teamwork, integrity, and self-awareness.


Description: Completion of a research project and or demonstration of research skills in a higher education setting.

Social Justice

Description: Completion and participation in activities or learning that grow the aims of social justice.

Honors Senior Project

Description: This is the culminating project that signifies the successful completion of a University Honors degree objective. Students work one-on-one with a faculty advisor in their academic discipline to develop and execute a research project, thesis, or creative work in their field of study. Interdisciplinary and hybrid projects may also be completed.