Staff Council Meetings

All CSULB staff are encouraged to attend our monthly Staff Council meetings. Staff Council works toward keeping staff informed and involved in the issues and events happening on campus.If there is a particular topic of interest on the agenda, guests are welcome.

  • To be eligible to vote on issues, you must be an official Staff Council Representative.
  • If you have ideas or suggestions for a future speaker, or would like to make a presentation or announcement of interest to CSULB employees, please contact the current Staff Council Chair.

Staff Council Meeting Schedule 2022-2023
8:30am to 10am  |    |  Passcode: 499449

Summer break in July and August; no meetings scheduled.

Fall 2023

  • September 15
  • October 13
  • November 17
  • December 8

Spring 2024

  • January 12
  • February 9
  • March 8
  • April 19
  • May 10
  • June 14