Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is a committee of the 澳门六合彩开奖结果查询 State University, Long Beach Staff Council. The Nominating Committee is responsible for running Staff Council elections and soliciting staff members campus wide or from a requested division for various campus committees.

All CSULB staff are welcome to join; you are not required to be an official representative member of Staff Council (only the Committee Chair must be an official Staff Council representative).

If you would like to learn more about the Nominating Committee and how we can assist with selecting staff representation for your campus committee please contact Ann Kinsey -

Campus Committees Where Staff Can Serve:
For full descriptions of these positions, visit Academic Senate Councils and Committees. 

  • Advisory Council on Strategic Enrollment Management 
  • Campus Climate Committee
  • CPaCE Advisory Committee
  • LGBTQIA+ Campus Climate Committee 
  • Executive Committee
  • Faculty Advisory Committee on Technology
  • International Education Committee 
  • University Resource Council 
  • Resource Planning Process Task Force
  • Campus Physical Master Plan Committee
  • Student Fee Advisory Council
  • University Student Union Board of Trustees
  • Community Engagement Group 
  • Task Force for Basic Needs