CSULB鈥檚 Global Logistics Professional program brings student a step closer to her dreams

Published August 13, 2023

Michaelle Salazar grew up in the border town of Mexicali, Mexico, where seeing long lines of 18-wheelers trying to bring goods to her country was a common occurrence. 

She knew one day she鈥檇 be part of the solution.  

鈥淚 just want to make things move,鈥 she said. 鈥淚 would see the long lines and ask myself, 鈥榃hy is this happening and how can I fix this?鈥 I wanted to bring new ideas.鈥  

In Mexico, Salazar went on to receive both her bachelor鈥檚 and master鈥檚 degrees in industrial engineering and she found herself becoming a schoolteacher.  

In 2015, she followed her husband to Long Beach and worked a series of jobs, but none of them filled her passion. She never lost her desire to become an industrial engineer in the shipping field. 

When she discovered the (GLP) program at Cal State Long Beach鈥檚 (CITT), she knew it was the right fit: Tailored for non-traditional students like herself, who are mid-to late in their careers.  

鈥淚鈥檓 the type of person who likes to always learn something new and challenge myself. Every few years, it鈥檚 something new I want to take on,鈥 said Salazar, 42. 

The GLP program is designed to train non-traditional students in logistics, shipping, and distribution. It is broken down into two six-month modules, taught by leading experts in the industry. 

The program鈥檚 focus is to prepare its graduates to shape the workforce, a mission of CSULB鈥檚 No Barriers comprehensive campaign. Thanks to an endowed scholarship from the Los Angeles Transportation Club (LATC), a nonprofit networking organization for those in the transportation industry, GLP can continue making an impact. 

鈥淭he LATC has always been proud to support students looking to enter the international trade and transportation industry,鈥 said Don Peltier, president of the LATC. 鈥淚 hope these funds continue to assist and incentivize students to embrace an exciting career in international trade and transportation.鈥  

The LATC scholarship covered Salazar鈥檚 full tuition, enabling her to complete the program and receive a certificate. 


Michaelle Salazar

鈥淔rom day one, they (GLP instructors) tell you about all the scholarships. They promote them. The scholarship helped me a lot,鈥 said Salazar. 鈥淚t opened up the door for me to be able to complete the program and gain my certificate, which will now help me pursue my engineering career and move up to a specialist role.鈥  

Salazar credits her instructors for staying connected to her, reaching out to her via text and email, and giving her a deeper knowledge of the engineering industry.  

鈥淚鈥檓 just very grateful. They really help build people,鈥 she said. 鈥淭he communication is great, and the instructors actively participate. Even when life gets in the way, your instructor will reach out and make sure you remain on track. They truly care that you succeed.鈥  

Today, Salazar is working in the shipping and distribution industry, where she manages communications and coordinates travel arrangements in Long Beach, on the way to fulfilling the dream she鈥檚 had since childhood.  

"I'm excited, I now have the opportunity to advance my career. Getting a certificate from this University opens up so many doors and gives me the chance to grow."