CSULB partners with the Port, LBUSD to help students chart a path to college, career opportunities

Published February 19, 2024

International trade routes are woven throughout Southern 澳门六合彩开奖结果查询, especially in the Long Beach area. Rumbling freight trains, long lines of big rigs, and the sight of cargo ships are parts of everyday life.  

That is why the at Cal State Long Beach supports the . Formed via a partnership between CITT, the Port, and the Long Beach Unified School District, the Academy offers youths like first-year Beach student Adriana Sosa-Reyes an insider鈥檚 view of trade. 

鈥淕rowing up, I really didn鈥檛 think about it much. I knew that when we would travel on the freeway, there would be all these trucks,鈥 said Sosa-Reyes, who is majoring in accounting. 鈥淚t鈥檚 very informative to learn more about what the port does .... It鈥檚 a very cool experience to learn how business works.鈥 

A June 2023 reports that, as of its writing, some 800 Cabrillo students had gone through the Academy since its 2016 founding. The paper observes that CITT, part of the College of Professional and Continuing Education, supports the program by providing teacher training, help with lessons, and liaising with industry professionals. 

鈥淲hen you talk to students who are in the program, they see opportunities that they may not have seen before,鈥 said Tom O鈥橞rien, associate dean of the College of Professional and Continuing Education. 

Advanced learning at a young age 

The Port of Long Beach officials say more than 50,000 jobs performed within Long Beach are connected to trade. The Academy shows Cabrillo students how they can find places for themselves in this field. 

鈥淎s part of our commitment to the community, the Port strives to make every effort to ensure that Long Beach-area students have the opportunity to learn about and pursue career opportunities in goods movement and international trade,鈥 Port of Long Beach Chief Executive Mario Cordero said. 

鈥淭he team at CITT has provided crucial guidance for this innovative program, which is designed to prepare students for success in college and their careers, which we hope will be in the goods movement industry.鈥 

The Port of Long Beach is the Academy鈥檚 principal financial sponsor, O鈥橞rien said. Additional support comes from professionals who serve on the Academy鈥檚 advisory board, deliver in-class presentations, and sponsor students鈥 attendance at conferences. 

Such partnerships and investments support The Beach鈥檚 objective of shaping 澳门六合彩开奖结果查询's future workforce, one priority of the university's No Barriers campaign. The Beach recently reached its $275 million fundraising goal, and the campaign is now extended until June. 

Sosa-Reyes' recollections of truck traffic echo a passage in the Mineta Transportation Institute paper. Lead author Ann Y. Kim, associate professor of human development, wrote that although many Cabrillo students see big rigs near the neighborhood, they may not be aware the port is less than five miles from their high school. 

Adriana Sosa-Reyes
Adriana Sosa-Reyes

Yet Kim and her colleagues found the Academy shows Cabrillo students the way to opportunities in logistics, as well as how math and science are relevant to business. This can motivate them to persist through college-level coursework and researchers also reported the Academy cultivates problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication skills. 

鈥淚t really set me up to learn how to communicate with others well and learn how to get out of my comfort zone and rely on other people,鈥 said Sosa-Reyes, who participated in the Academy throughout her 2019-23 enrollment at Cabrillo. 

One Academy project requires researching a country鈥檚 natural resources and manufacturing capacity, and figuring out the implications for its commercial relations, Cabrillo teacher James Dowding II said. In another, students learn how something as seemingly simple as candy may require shipping chocolate from Ghana, milk from New Zealand, and other ingredients to a manufacturing plant before delivering finished products to wherever someone indulges their sweet tooth. 

Academy students can also tour Long Beach鈥檚 harbor, meet professionals, and play the roles of business executives during a , Dowding said. These experiences can help teens envision their futures.  

鈥淲hen you look at the value that it has on these young lives, it鈥檚 a ripple in a pond,鈥 said Dowding, who has . 鈥淭hese people can see that there are opportunities for them." 

Setting a course for long-term success 

Dowding and O鈥橞rien affirmed the Academy has had positive effects on students鈥 prospects. Whereas four Cabrillo students who participated in a business program preceding the Academy鈥檚 establishment went on to post-secondary education in 2015, 36 did so after last year鈥檚 graduations. 

O鈥橞rien is hopeful connections formed between Academy students and today鈥檚 professionals will lead to improved relations and understanding between industry and people living near the Port. Academy graduates also have the potential to become leaders who enhance sustainable practices in logistics. 

鈥淭hey know they have a stake in the solutions,鈥 O鈥橞rien said. 鈥淭he students think about 鈥榃hat can we do with clean ports?鈥 鈥榃hat can we do with different truck routes?鈥 鈥榃hat can we do with the people doing the work having better working conditions?鈥