Promote Intellectual Achievement


Rigor, relevance, and data-informed decision making are hallmarks of our campus community. Image shows students using a virtual reality simulator.
  • Be a living laboratory of values-based collaborative and interdisciplinary research, scholarship, and creative activities establishing our leadership in a knowledge-based economy and society.
  • Use sponsored research, creative activities, and industry and business partnerships as a means to create knowledge and amplify student learning.
  • Lead research, innovation, and problem-solving in response to the grand challenges threatening the pillars of our society such as racism, water and air quality, climate change, displaced populations, poverty and homelessness, violence, and civil unrest.
  • Build knowledge in and across a variety of disciplines to advance the university’s regional and global engagement and its role in the broader economic, civic, workforce, and cultural priorities of our region.

In the emerging field of biomanufacturing, a growing need for workers is galvanizing career professionals and leading institutions like CSULB to innovate new pathways for learners to join this burgeoning industry

CSULB is committed to leveraging its community engagement and intellectual capital for the benefit of the region. This decade presents unprecedented social, economic, and environmental challenges, and CSULB aims to address them through values-based, collaborative, and interdisciplinary research. 

Capitalizing on existing partnerships and coordinating cross-disciplinary efforts goes hand-in-hand with efforts to take on a bold CSULB-led Grand Challenge, but understanding the full scope of these resources available on campus first requires a diligent evaluation. 

As we shift our thinking to imagine how our university can prepare today’s students for the jobs of tomorrow, expanding the categories and descriptions that define faculty member roles is essential to enhancing instruction at °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û²éѯ State University, Long Beach. 

Through its bold initiatives that engage the values and priorities of our university, the College of Liberal Arts actively finds ways to enrich our development of knowledge and skills for the Long Beach region and beyond. This past academic year, the college advanced numerous projects that bolster the goals CSULB set out to achieve through Beach 2030. Among them: Innovative partnerships and strategic graduate recruitment efforts — projects that promote intellectual achievement, a tenet of CSULB’s Beach 2030 mission. 

In the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, two new programs launched this past academic year represent strides in our mission to promote intellectual achievement — a pillar of our Beach 2030 strategic planning effort.