Faculty Professional Development

ATS Faculty Professional Development Programs are designed to meet the diverse needs of CSULB faculty and combine best practices from established models of online, hybrid, and HyFlex course design.

Program Descriptions

As part of a CSU system-wide initiative, the ATS Affordable Learning Solutions (AL$) Faculty Programs support faculty in integrating low-cost learning materials into their courses.

The Faculty Online Readiness Program provides a comprehensive introduction to best practices and established standards for online course design and teaching. Participants will discover techniques that facilitate course management and enhance student learning while transforming a face-to-face curriculum into an online format.

Topics include:

  • Fundamentals of Canvas
  • Alignment of content to learning objectives using 鈥淏ackward Design鈥 method
  • Approaches to online student assessment and feedback
  • Community building and communication in the online class
  • Streamlining your workload

Program Incentives:
Participants will receive a micro-credential 鈥渂adge鈥 after completing any of the program course modules.

Applying the Quality Matters Rubric explores principles of online course design based on the Quality Matters (QM) Rubric and is based on the program offered through the CSU Chancellor's Office of Online Course Services.

Now offered by our QM-certified facilitators at CSULB, participants will engage in hands-on activities and make specific adjustments to assessments and course materials to improve student learning outcomes.

Improving Your Online Course (IYOC) explores the QM Rubric and provides a framework for improving the quality of online courses. Participants review their own online courses and develop a course improvement plan. Having a pre-developed online course is required to participate in the program activities.