Our Mission

The Academic Senate of 澳门六合彩开奖结果查询 State University, Long Beach insures effective exercise of the rights, duties, privileges, and responsibilities of citizenship within the University and is the official representative body responsible to and acting for its constituents. As such, it is the mechanism for orderly participation in the protection of academic freedom, in policy formation, in collegial governance, in the application of "joint responsibility," and in defining the role and mission of the University. It upholds protects, and enhances all the traditional rights of faculty, staff, students, and administration. It formulates educational and academic personnel policies and participates in the resource planning process and in the determination of administrative regulations and practices. It reviews policies, practices, and procedures in matters of academic and professional concern and makes recommendations for implementing change. It acts as a consultative body to other constituencies on all matters it or the President deems pertinent to the welfare of the University. The Academic Senate structures itself to support the mission of the University and to achieve an optimal degree of communication and cooperation among the elements of the University.