Environmental Health & Safety

Record Identifier Record Title Custodian of Records Retention Source Authority Retention Period


Hazardous Materials Shipping Papers - Shipper requirements

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

49 CFR 搂搂 172.201(e), 174.24, 176.24, 177.817(f)

2 years after the material is accepted by the initial carrier


Hazardous Materials Shipping Papers - Receiver requirements

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

49 CFR 搂搂 172.201(e), 174.24, 176.24, 177.817(f)

1 year


Hazardous Waste Shipping papers

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

49 CFR 搂搂 172.201(e), 174.24, 176.24, 177.817(f)

3 years per 22 CCR 66262.40(9), 66264.71 (b) (6) (CSUF)


Hazardous Waste Facility Inspections

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

22 CCR 66364.15 (d) (CSUF)

3 years


Hazardous Waste Manifests

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

CCR Title 22 搂 66262.40(a) and 66264.71(b)(6)

3 Years


Medical Waste Generator Records - Small Quantity Generators
Per BBS 3/17/14, CSULB is not a small quantity generator, therefore this set of records not applicable to CSULB

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

CA HSC 117975

2 years


Medical Waste Generator Records - Large Quantity Generators

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

CA HSC 117975

3 years


Environmental Remediation Records

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

40 CFR, CCR Title 22, 23, 25, 27 (CSUF)

10 Years


IH Equipment Records: purchase, repair, and calibration

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

CSU Best Practice

Purchase and Repair Records Duration of Equipment. Calibration Records - Permanent


Exposure Monitoring Data

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

CCR Title 8 搂3204 (b)(2)& (d)(1)(b)



Medical Monitoring, such as those required for the hearing conservation program, respiratory protection, and asbestos and lead specific requirements. Typically comes as a confirmation/permission from a doctor.

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

CCR Title 8 搂3204 (d)(1)(a)

30 years after the separation of the employee


Personal Exposure Monitoring (Associated with employee exposure to toxic substances or harmful physical agents). These records are partof 3.11 records.

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

CCR Title 8 搂3204 (d)(1)(b)

30 years after the separation of the employee


Radiation & Dosimetry Exposure Reports. Typically comes as a confirmation/permission from a doctor.

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

10 CFR 20.2106

30 years after the separation of the employee
30 years after the graduation of the student


Radioactive Material historical inventories; storage and use locations

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

17 CCR 30293

Originals 3 Years after the transfer or disposal of the radioactive source
Retain records for 5 years for inspection every five years


Radioactive Material License and Amendments

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

17 CCR 30194

Originals 30 Days after expiration. We keep these records permanently


Radioactive Material, Laser, and Controlled Substance Use Authorizations

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

CSUF APM 527, 526; ANSI Z 136.1



Agency Inspection Records OSHA, Fire department, State Fire Marshall, City of LB, AQMD

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

40 CFR, CCR Title 22, 23, 25, 27 (CSUF)

3-5 years - dependent upon the agency


Confined Space Entry Permits

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

CCR Title 8 搂5157(e)(6)

1 year


Pesticide Monthly Use Reports

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

CCR Title 3 搂6624 (f)

2 years


CPR Training Records

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

CSU Best Practice

1 year


Defensive Driver Training

Chief of Police

SAM MM07-05 CSU Use of University and Private Vehicles Policy Guidelines pp4-5

4 years


First Aid training records
These records are part of 3.20 records

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

29 CFR 1910.1030

3 years


Hazardous waste training records

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

CCR Title 22 搂66264.16 (e)

As long as employee remains at the facility or for three years following departure.


Employee training records, excluding hazardous waste training records

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

CCR Title 8

3 years


Student training records

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

CSU Best Practice

3 years


Injury Reports (OSHA 300, 301, 300A)

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

CCR Title 8 搂14300.33(a)

5 years following the end of the calendar year the records cover


Injury Reports reported to Police

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

CSU Best Practice

7 years


Air Pollution Control District requirements

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

Local APCD rules - citation numbers are dependent on the district

5 years


Respirator Fit Test Records

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

CCR Title 8 搂5144(m)(2)(B)

Until next fit test is administered. Fit tests are required annually.


Employee Tenant Asbestos Notifications (annual notification)

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

CCR Title 8 搂1529(n)(6)

As Long as the Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) is in the building


Water quality data under Sanitary Sewer Permit

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

Non-industrial wastewater discharge permit issued by city

3 years


Water quality data under Regional Water Quality Control Board Orders

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

Waste Discharge Order No. R3-2003-035

Not Specified


Hazardous Waste Exception Report. Per BBS 3/17/14, no records of this kind at CSULB

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

Title 22, CCR 搂 66262.40(b)

3 years


Biennial Report
EPA report

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

Title 22, CCR 搂 66262.40(b)

3 years


Laboratory analysis results for hazardous waste determinations

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

Title 22, CCR 搂 66262.40(c)

3 years


Employee "pull" notices (DMV Reports)

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

CVC 1808.1 (CSUF)

4 years


Regulatory Agency required plans

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

40 CFR, CCR Title 22, 23, 25, 27 (CSUF)

3 years


Regulatory Agency permits

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

Title 25: 40510 & 44344; Title 22, 23, 27 (CSUF)

3 years


IIPP periodic inspection records

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

CCR, Title 8, 3202 (b)(1)

1 year


Asbestos survey records

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

40 CFR, Part 763

Life of the building


Lead inspection/risk assessment records

Director, Environmental Health & Safety

CCR, Title 17, 36000 (b)

Required: 3 years Recommended: Life of the building.


Italic text Indicates CSU Long Beach campus specific modifications to this schedule.

* Typical documents may include a variation of standard State forms.

1Please refer to Coded Memorandum HR 2007-11 () for further information regarding the "Internet Applicant Rule." CSU's Record Retention policy of 3 or 5 years, depending upon the type of separation, exceeds the 2-year period required by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) regulations. Accordingly, these records should be retained pursuant to CSU's Record Retention policy.