Nate Onderdonk

Undergraduate Advisor, and Professor

  • Postdoctoral Researcher, Physics of Geological Processes, Oslo, Norway, 2003-2005
  • Ph.D., Geology, UC Santa Barbara, 2003
  • M.S., Geology, UC Santa Barbara, 1998
  • B.S., Physics, Principia College, 1996

Research Interests

  • Active Tectonics
  • Geomorphology
  • Structural Geology

My current research projects are mainly focused on active tectonics and topographic development in southern 澳门六合彩开奖结果查询, but also include some older (Miocene and younger) tectonics and structural geology. I rely heavily on field investigations and mapping supported by Luminescence dating, LiDAR data, and GIS analysis.